Chillin’ with Mama / Mama und Sohnemann Here are just a few mother-and-son moments of late, enjoying each other’s company. Ein paar neuere Bilder von Mama und Sohnemann zusammen.
Big boy tub / Badewanne für Große Hugo loves the water, but he is growing a bit big for his baby bath tub []. In order to give him more space to splash, kick and stretch out, we sometimes take him to the big bath tub with us. Hugo ist eine Wasserratte, aber in
First email / Erste Email Hugo has developed a growing interest in our laptops — wonder where he got that from ;). The other day we let him type away in Word and this was the result. His very first letter. Hugo interessiert sich immer mehr für den Laptop — wer weiß wo er sich das abgeguckt hat
Trying a high chair / Kinderstuhl ausprobiert Out at a café the other day we put Hugo on a high chair for the first time. He laughed and smiled at first, but after a few minutes he started crying. Guess we’ll wait a little longer before buying one for him at home. Im Café neulich haben
Baby swimming / Babyschwimmen Hugo started his first baby swimming class, and he loves it! Before long, he started kicking his little feet as if trying to swim on his own. And he didn’t even cry when going under water (unlike some of the other babies in his class). That’s our brave
Head up / Kopf hoch Hugo does not yet like to lie on his stomach. So in order to keep him happy during tummy time (and for him to practice lifting his head) we tend to come up with a lot of different distractions. “Hey Mama, can I have some of that chocolate too?” Auf
Playing with Patti / Mit Patti spielen Patti was visiting us in London for 4 weeks at a stretch, allowing her and Hugo to really get to know and get comfortable with each other. Hugo clearly loved playing with his Patti, just as much as Patti enjoyed spending time with her grandson. Patti hat uns für ganze
Hugo’s cow / Hugo’s Kuh Hugo got this music playing cow from his uncle Martin and aunt Claudia from Dresden. His older cousin, Sophia, had the same toy when she was little and she loved it so much that they bought several cows just in case one goes missing. Hugo and his cow seem to
Anything for a giggle / Albernheiten Oh the silly things we parents do just to hear our little boy giggle with joy. :) Wie man sich sogar gerne täglich zum Affen macht und Albernheiten ausdenkt nur für ein vergnügtes Quietschen und herzhaftes Lachen. :)
Chewing his hand / Hände im Mund Hugo has discovered the joy of putting his hands in his mouth. He is not quite sure yet which fingers taste the best, so he constantly keeps trying different combinations. Hugo kaut mittlerweile sehr gern an seinen Händen. Statt am Daumen zu lutschen scheint er aber eher interessiert in die
Reading books with Papa / Papa liest vor Hugo got a set of English books from his Thatha and Patti that he loves looking at just as much as the German ones []. However, it seems as if he prefers turning the pages to actually reading the book. :) Hugo hat wieder neue Bücher bekommen, diesmal
Mimicking our words / Erstes Nachblabbern Hugo has started to have real conversations with us, waiting patiently for his turn and responding to what we say. Today he tried mimicking our words. So cute! And growing up so fast, wow! Hugo plauscht mittlerweile schon fleissig und viel mit uns. Er wartet oft gespannt auf eine Pause
Afternoon tea / Tee-Stunde Thatha and Patti joined us for some traditional afternoon tea. Yummy! Traditionelle englische Tee-Stunde mit Thatha und Patti, lecker!
Bach for babies / Bach für Babies Everyday, we find out about a new fun activity for babies in our neighborhood that we hadn’t even imagined existing before. Today’s experience was a classical music performance that was specifically designed for little ones. And Hugo seemed to enjoy it. Wir sind immer wieder erstaunt wieviele Aktivitäten
Favourite spot for a nap / Mittagsschläfchen Hugo has started to get into the habit of taking regular afternoon naps, preferably on his Patti’s lap. :) He looks so peaceful when he’s asleep and can stay that way for hours. Hugo macht jetzt regelmässig Mittagsschlaf, am Liebsten auf dem Schoss von Patti. Er sieht immer total
Bonding with Mama / Mama-Söhnchen Hugo is getting better and better at recognizing and distinguishing between different people now. He has an especially cute smile just for his Mama! Hugo nimmt immer mehr von seiner Umgebung und den Menschen um sich herum wahr. Er weiss zum Beispiel ganz genau wer seine Mama ist, und die
Thatha and Patti Lucky Hugo was visited by his Thatha and Patti (Tamil for grandma and grandpa) this month. Oh my, so much extra attention, play and fun. He loved it. Hugo der kleine Glückspilz hatte diesen Monat schon wieder Besuch, diesmal von Thatha und Patti (Oma und Opa auf Tamil). So viel
First ball tasting / Erster Ball Hugo is learning something new everyday. Today, he managed to grip his ball and bring it to his mouth. He was rather pleased with himself! Jeden Tag lernt Hugo was Neues. Heute hat er zum ersten Mal seinen Ball festgehalten und zum Mund geführt. Mjam mjam.
Baby burrito / Baby Kokon Papa being silly and having fun with Hugo, wrapped him up like a burrito this morning. Papa macht Quatsch mit Hugo, heute morgen hat er ihn eingerollt wie eine kleine Raupe.
What are these feet for? / Zeigt her eure Füsse Hugo discovered his feet today. Oh, such wonders! Hugo hat heute seine Füsse entdeckt, das findet er spitze.
West Coast style / stil Hugo is dressed-up West Coast style today, wearing an outfit that he got from his aunt and uncle visiting from Seattle. Super c(ool)ute! Hugo trägt heut Klamotten aus Seattle, ein cooles Geschenk von Onkel und Tante aus den USA.
Storytime with Oma / Märchenstunde mit Oma Apparently, Hugo loves looking at books now. He and his Oma (German grandma) enjoyed turning pages together and commenting on the drawings with each other. Seitdem die Oma zu Besuch war liebt es Hugo Bücher anzuschauen. Er und die Oma hatten viel Spass beim Seiten blättern und kommentieren der Bilder
What are these hands for? / Zeigt her eure Hände ... Hugo has discovered that he has hands! He does not seem to sure what to do with them yet, but he seems pretty pleased with himself after concentrating on them for a while. Hugo hat neulich entdeckt dass die Hände die da vor'm Gesicht rumwackeln ihm gehören. Er
In the jungle, the mighty jungle / Dschungelbuch Hugo discovers his new playmat with butterflies, parrots, lions, monkeys and convincing jungle background sounds. Hugo erkundet seine neue Spieldecke, mit Schmetterlingen, Papageien, Löwen, Äffchen und naturgetreuer Dschungel-Geräuschkulisse.